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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Potty Training

I am potty training Christian. For me that means setting up a childs potty in the bathroom and allowing my little man to run around half naked. Elle is on "squat patrol" and living in a place with mostly concrete floors has it's benefits. It is going really well... REALLY well... he loves it. He is so proud of himself and never has accidents anymore as long as he's not wearing any drawers, he goes in the potty.  He needs no reward (other than occational cheering), he waves and says "bye bye potty" as he flushes the toilet. It is actually quite the enduring episode to watch...
The catch is this... he wants to dump his own little tray.... Which would be fine....except... instead of dumping it away from himself into the toilet... he dumps it toward himself.... (I really do wish I could provide a video here.... it is as good as drama can get... will he make it in the toilet... or will it end up on the floor... or himself....and how do I keep my cool- in the name of his enjoying the experiance enough to keep at it- if either of the later occurs.) It can only be comical as he is so stink'n cute about the whole thing and I am just so excited to no longer need to buy so many diapers and any steps toward greater independance are like gold to me- the one he is so dependant on...
Anyway, just a little funny thing I thought I'd be fun to look back on and remember... =)