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Friday, April 16, 2010

planting grass seed...turned sprinkler play time!

I planted grass seed today off our side deck for a small lawn area for the kids to play on. I got the sprinkler going and Elle was all over it. Within seconds shirt and pants were off... no worries, it was a "hot day" (maybe 55-60 degrees!) I LOVE having hot and cold water outdoor spickets! Come to think of it... the warm water may help the grass seed germinate faster???
Here's Christian watching her from the porch...
"I want to play in the sprinkler too!"
Maybe this summer...

Raspberry starts planted

I planted raspberry starts along the cedar split rail fence the other day. We have a bunch from my grandma down at the other house, but I wanted some close for easy picking access... YUM I can't wait!

Hillbilly Tree Limbing...

Yes... that's Michael WAY up at the top of the ladder, limbing branches that are as large as many trees.... I sense a "Darwin Award" in our future... =) I really should take out life insurance on that boy!

The indoor adventures of the chick-a dee-dee-dee...

A chick-a-dee flew into our house this afternoon. Here is where I first spotted it... My seedlings aren't even safe inside the house! (Something ate the leaves off my cantelope starts in the green house too!=(  )
Then it made it to the window sill...
Then the window on the other side of the room... poor guy just kept banging into the glass...He really doesn't need much to hang on to! This is taken from below the bird.
Next to our light in the front entry... at this point I have all the windows and doors open and Elle is cheering for the "chick-a -dee-dee-dee" (that's what she calls them) to get outside "before he poops in here"! (atta girl!) He ended up going from here to the overhead window above our front door where I had to actually scoop it up and let it out the door... I tried to take a freedom shot, but it was too far away! =)

Window seat, treasure chest, bookshelf, table and...napping cove?

I love my new "everything box"! My dad is awesome, I drew him some plans and he made this for us! Since we went with the open floor plan to best utilize the beams Michael got from work I have no where downstairs to really "hide" the mess when people come over. We always have families over that have kids and I wanted a spot for them to be able to sit and eat near us (this is in our dining room). I am a sucker for window seats (I plan to sew a cushion for this beast of a box). And this is a south facing window so I thought it'd be great to put my seed start trays on for the next few weeks. It turned out great! I LOVE it!

Peek-A-Boo! "Mess storage"!
I hadn't perdicted that it would double as a play room, or...get this.... a "napping cove"! Yes, Elle, our little sleep fighter, LOVES to take naps in here! She has taken 3 so far. The poor sugar can't even lay flat, but she doesn't care, she has successfully slept over an hour in here! Who knew!?