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Monday, October 25, 2010

Alligator Farm

These are the geese I wanted to get last year when we got Elle's chicks....but they're over $50 per gossling... but aren't they beautiful!

They look fake!

My little man is growing up fast!

Elle touched the tail when I was holding it... then she asked if she could touch it's mouth.... nope! =)

Elle kept asking to see the Aligators and Crododiles since she learned we were moving to Florida. When I was teaching her states I "tagged" each state with something to stand out for her and those were Florida's (Montana's where the cowboys go... Maine's where the lobsters live etc... I made it into a song for bath time and she loves it.). So we went to the Alligator farm today down by the Everglades. She loved it. I feared she was all talk and when it was time to see them up close, she would burrow into my chest, but she didn't. It was fun. We didn't stay too long the kids are still getting climatized and it was HOT out, but I started a new tradition (if you could call it that) I got the kids a book from the gift shop. I am going to try and buy them a book each time we go do something special and then write in each book where we got it, what we did that day, how old they are, etc... I thought that'd be a fun sort of educational way to remember where they've been.

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